After a discussion earlier last week about long words, the boys have become fascinated with saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
This is interesting to me because:
a. They refused to watch Mary Poppins when I bought it after it came out on DVD
2. They have never been interested in the music - even if it was Harry Connick, Jr.'s version
I played them the song on YouTube and they went right to work learning how to say it. I believe Noah said it took him about 20 minutes to remember how to say it. Now Joshua has it down too and he is repeatedly singing parts of it over and over. He puts a different tune and emphasis on some of the words and uses a little different phrasing...
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, if you say it loud enough you'll be quite atrocious (he sings it out: aaaa-troooooooo-cious)"
I think that might be more accurate than the original lyrics. Actually, listening to him sing this in the shower was the cutest thing I've heard today.
They can't wait to watch the movie after school tomorrow. Finally! Next up, Sound of Music!