I found these at The Bookworm (The Make Your Mark web site says they are available at Barnes & Noble and Borders too.) and gave them to the boys last weekend. They are a HUGE hit! I'm sure the newness will eventually wear off but for now the boys love keeping track of their time spent reading. Joshua likes to see how long it takes him to read each book...
- Jump, Frog, Jump! - 4 minutes
- Starry, Starry Night - 10 minutes
- Chapter 1 of Gross Out! - 9 minutes
If you're looking for a way to encourage reading this summer these bookmarks might be exactly what you need.
Love reading about your boys and their reading; the bookmarks are a great idea, I will have to pass that along. I am missing participation in the 48 hour this year but am having fun keeping my one-year-old grandson, reading many, many board books with him. I grew up with sisters also....little boys teach us a whole new way of looking at the world, do they not? All the best to you!