June 29, 2009

What Can We Do Now?

The newness of summer has worn away to the continuous refrain of "I'm bored" when the boys have more than 26 seconds of unoccupied time. Yet, when I make suggestions they are quickly snubbed and dubbed "the worst." Noah informed me that he would like to do something he has never done before. Lets see, 48 days until school starts. Third grade will be new.

Today was unusual in that none of the kids in the circle were available to play. The boys are so tired of each other that they apparently can't invent anything to do unless other kids are involved. Today was the ultimate in boredom though (It had to be because all I saw them do was build marble mazes, read, toss beanbags, kick stuffed animals up in the air and catch them, play video games, wrestle, play monopoly, watch tv, draw and play with Chino.) until the doorbell rang during dinner. It was music to their ears. They rushed to the door as Noah yelled, "Finally, the new neighbors are out!" After assuring their friends they would be out in a minute, they were back at the table to finish eating. I sat prepared to perform the Heimlich as my sharks shoveled in the rest of their curry shrimp - no chewing necessary when friends are waiting. So much for enjoying dinner as a family. It was probably boring anyway.  

What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain? Same thing we do every night Pinky...

1 comment:

  1. aww, sorry my kids ruined dinner! we eat really early around here, usually 5:30ish! I try to keep the doorbell ringing to a minimum but they are sneaky little things!
